my biz mentor

The ultimate, step-by-step online course to start, launch, or grow your business.

What is Excell’s 
MyBiz Mentor Program?

The “My Business Mentor” program is a comprehensive ​monthly business mentorship initiative designed to provide you ​with invaluable support and guidance throughout your ​entrepreneurial journey. With this program, you gain access to ​a range of enriching features, including bimonthly Q&A ​sessions that allow you to interact directly with business ​mentor, hands-on assistance in our workshops, and ​participation in focused groups tailored to address your specific ​business needs.

One of the key advantages of our program is the 24/7 on-​demand access to our private community, fostering a ​collaborative environment where you can connect with fellow ​entrepreneurs, share experiences, and seek advice at any time ​that suits you. Even if you miss a session, worry not – all ​interactions are recorded, providing you with the flexibility to ​revisit the content whenever it best fits into your schedule.

“My Business Mentor” is committed to being a reliable ​companion on your business journey, empowering you to ​navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve ​your entrepreneurial goals.

What the current Students are saying?


01. Monthly Biz Q and A This is a bimonthly ​Question and Answer session where you can ​ask any question of our business mentor and ​attorney who will answer your questions. ​There is no topic off-limits. You also get an ​opportunity to listen in on other questions ​of other biz builders so you can learn from ​them as well.

02. Monthly Hands-on Workshops Every ​month, we host a hands-on workshop to ​ensure you are getting the results you want. ​Our workshops range from marketing ​funnels, systems planning, KPI building, and ​sales trainings. It will be your time to get it ​done and we won’t end the workshop until ​you have accomplished the end result.

03. Guess expert Pop-Up class Masterclasse ​From time to time we will have a guest ​expert come on and teach a business class ​to help you grow in your business. You will ​get to also ask any questions you may have.

04. Focus Groups This is your time to bring ​before our group your concept, idea, or ​launch to get feedback before you launch it ​to the world. All feedback is with love with the goal of fulfilling your end results.

05.Access to our Mentorship library (all ​sessions recorded). All sessions, masterclasses, Q & A’s, pop-ups, ​and workshops are recorded for you to refer ​back to.

06. Create Business copy that sells. you will learn how to write your About Me Section, long and short-form online landing pages, and your website pages.

07. Discounts and First access to all Offers ​Whenever we have offers or live events, we ​give first access and or discounts to our biz ​builders.

08.24/7 On-Demand Support. Got a question in the middle of the night. No ​problem, ask us and receive your answers ​immediately.

09.Access To our Private Biz Builder ​Community. You get to surround yourself with like-​minded people, achievers, and biz builders. ​You also can network within your industry ​and connect with people to share ideas, and ​exchange knowledge to excel in your ​business and lifestyle.

How does MyBiz Mentor work?

Get ongoing one-on-one support, coaching, hands-on assistance, your questions answered, ​& more. With out results driven program, you will gain the clarity and knowledge you need ​to accomplish your specific goals in your business to reach new heights. You will also be ​apart of a community of like-minded leaders and biz builders. Plus you get …

Green CheckDone-for-you templates, writing prompts & and proven formulas (you can’t get it wrong!)
Green CheckReal-time feedback & and critique workshops
Green CheckLive Q&A coaching calls with Attorney Roxell Richards
Green CheckA business certificate certifying your business and entrepreneurship

Is MyBiz Mentor Right for me?

MyBizMentor is for result-oriented aspiring, new, and solo entrepreneurs who are ​sick of spinning their wheels, figuring out what to do next, or simply doubting their ​ability to build and scale a business.

Regardless of your industry, thriving as an entrepreneur in today’s market means ​learning how to build trust, create meaningful connections, and sell to people.

YES, MyBiz Mentor works for…

Product-Based Businesses

Whether you are selling flowers, food, books, apps, clothing, and everything in between. If you sell physical or digital products,


Service-Based Businesses

Whether you are a professional such as a financial advisor, realtor, or attorney, or teach people how to dance or do consulting for Fortune 300 companies, let START LAUNCH GROW take your service-based business to the next level.

Brick-and-Mortar Businesses

Take your brick-and-mortar business online to reach a broader audience, build new revenue streams, and stay relevant.

Meet your Biz Mentor and Teacher

Roxell Richards is a trial attorney, entrepreneur, business development mentor, community activist and rainmaker. She has built her law firm from the ground up to a multi-million dollar machine, http://www.getinjuryhelp.net and served as countless business consultants and general counsel to celebrities, brands, companies, and people looking to build a purposeful and sustainable business.

Her ability to see opportunity in almost any setting is unmatched. She created partnerships with some of the biggest companies and brands in the business. Her real yet loving style in teaching and mentoring other business builders resonates with so many people that they are motivated to take action because she doesn’t hold back.